Pokémon Alchemist Wiki

Jubilife City is a major hub in the Sinnoh Region. You can access a variety of locations from it, and find all sorts of things inside the city.

Special Features[]

Trainer's School[]

Learn the tricks of the trade at the Jubilife Trainer's School. You're likely a Pokémon Expert at this point, but it doesn't help to brush up here. You can even get in a battle or two here.

Global Terminal[]

In the future, you'll be able to either access online features, or psuedo online features here. Currently, there are no real plans for what to include.

Jubilife TV[]

Draw a lottery ticket, and see the people behind the TV you see across the regions.

The Pokétch Company[]

Although you don't have a Pokétch, it doesn't hurt to check out the competition at The Pokétch Company!

Jubilife Condominiums[]

Housing for people in Jubilife. There's a lot of people to talk to inside.

Obtainable Items[]

Items Location
Potion x2 Item Ball behind some buildings, near a girl by the west exit. Also one located inside the Trainer's School.
X-Attack Item Ball in the Trainer's School.
Stardust Hidden near south entrance to town.